Do it, 2018, canva ink 151x94cm

Other works of art

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181925

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181925

Sans titre 20122018 canvas 105x70cm

Sans titre 20122018 canvas 105x70cm

Parasol series 2018/55

Parasol series 2018/55

Patchamama, 022020, pigment and water from the dead sea, fabriano 45x61cm

Patchamama, 022020, pigment and water from the dead sea, fabriano 45x61cm

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181923

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181923

Shin, 2012, aquatinte, 24x28cm

Shin, 2012, aquatinte, 24x28cm

How to describe the unspeakable ? 16022020, ink, photographic paper, 21×29,7cm

How to describe the unspeakable ? 16022020, ink, photographic paper, 21×29,7cm

Parasol series 2018/53

Parasol series 2018/53

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181921

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181921

Pierre-Yves S3N°3, 2005, numeric

Pierre-Yves S3N°3, 2005, numeric

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B71, 082020, numeric

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B71, 082020, numeric

« Imposing your will on others si strength. To impose it on oneself is superior strength. » Lao Tseu, 06092022, canva mixed media 130x70cm

« Imposing your will on others si strength. To impose it on oneself is superior strength. » Lao Tseu, 06092022, canva mixed media 130x70cm