Pierre-Yves S32N°12, 2012, argentic 24x30cm

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« You must not tie a ship to a single anchor, nor a life to a single hope » Lao Tseu, mixed media 100x68cm

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Enclosed hands, 2012 ceramic 23x27cm

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Impression Khao Sok 092022, Chinese ink, Thai broom, Fabriano 300g 77x57cm

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My phalluses, 11-2019 ceramic

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Corona life, 19122020, mixed media on plastic 100x70cm

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Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B71, 082020, numeric

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« The supreme good man is like water », Lao Tseu, canva mixed media 17072022, 25x25cm

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New chinese year, and gardening, 11022020, mixed media on plastic, 100x70cm

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Black serie 1/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B72, 082020, numeric

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B72, 082020, numeric