Maryline Pierres Yves
Maryline has always set herself dream goals in her life, travel, children, live fully. And at 46 she passed the contemporary art competition at The Villa Arson in Nice. at 18 she already wanted to do fine art but her parents were against it. She also begins training in qigong and taichi. She leaves for 4 months in China in exchange and also practices calligraphy. Her first work is a work on binary identity in 2004 with installations, performances, photos where she affirms that in every woman there is a man… you just have to find him.
His paintings combine an energetic preparation of the senses and a gesture almost coming from within and thus see the energy of the moment… Open the doors of prohibitions paint with the energy of a full moon or of nature, use your breath with the intention of transmitting a breath of life….
“I believe in the energy that surrounds us, I believe in the strength of breathing, art is a breath of life…”