Pierre-Yves S3N°3, 2005, numeric

Other works of art

Pierre-Yves S3N°3, 2005, numeric

Pierre-Yves S3N°3, 2005, numeric

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 2, 36x40cm

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 2, 36x40cm

Recycling books, editing in paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181929

Recycling books, editing in paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181929

Good vibes only, 112021, canva mixed media 130x70cm

Good vibes only, 112021, canva mixed media 130x70cm

Dancing with the wolves, 16022020, ink, photographic paper 21×29,7cm

Dancing with the wolves, 16022020, ink, photographic paper 21×29,7cm

« The wise know that the more he gives to others, the more he has. » Lao Tseu 07052022, ink 70x90cm

« The wise know that the more he gives to others, the more he has. » Lao Tseu 07052022, ink 70x90cm

Parasol series 2018/51

Parasol series 2018/51

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 1, 36x40cm

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 1, 36x40cm

Remember, 022019, ink 34x50cm

Remember, 022019, ink 34x50cm

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B71, 082020, numeric

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B71, 082020, numeric

Do it, 2018, canva ink 151x94cm

Do it, 2018, canva ink 151x94cm

« You must not tie a ship to a single anchor, nor a life to a single hope » Lao Tseu, mixed media 100x68cm

« You must not tie a ship to a single anchor, nor a life to a single hope » Lao Tseu, mixed media 100x68cm