Pierre-Yves S3N°3, 2005, numeric

Other works of art

Do it, 2018, canva ink 151x94cm

Do it, 2018, canva ink 151x94cm

Shin, 2012, aquatinte, 24x28cm

Shin, 2012, aquatinte, 24x28cm

Memories of water 2020/36

Memories of water 2020/36

Happiness 22012021, mixed media wood 65x54cm

Happiness 22012021, mixed media wood 65x54cm

Pierre-Yves S32N°12, 2012, argentic 24x30cm

Pierre-Yves S32N°12, 2012, argentic 24x30cm

Parasol series 2018/51

Parasol series 2018/51

My inner tiger, 02112022, canvas mixed medias, 36x36cm

My inner tiger, 02112022, canvas mixed medias, 36x36cm

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 3, 39x30cm

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 3, 39x30cm

My phalluses, 11-2019 ceramic

My phalluses, 11-2019 ceramic

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori , 082020, numeric

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori , 082020, numeric

Sans-titre-sculpture, 2007 ceramic

Sans-titre-sculpture, 2007 ceramic

Recycling books, editing in paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181929

Recycling books, editing in paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181929