Pierre-Yves en Chine, 2008, numeric 40×60

Other works of art

Shin, 2012, aquatinte, 24x28cm

Shin, 2012, aquatinte, 24x28cm

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181923

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181923

Memories of water 2020/36

Memories of water 2020/36

The jets of life 05042022 Fabriano paper 77x55cm

The jets of life 05042022 Fabriano paper 77x55cm

She choose the color , let it be, 06082021, wood mixed media 40x40cm

She choose the color , let it be, 06082021, wood mixed media 40x40cm

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181926

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181926

Memories of water 2020/34

Memories of water 2020/34

Remember, 022019, ink 34x50cm

Remember, 022019, ink 34x50cm

« Dilatation » aquatinte 2012

« Dilatation » aquatinte 2012

Black serie 3/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Black serie 3/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Bird I live, bird I speak, 25022021, photographic paper mixed media 21x30cm

Bird I live, bird I speak, 25022021, photographic paper mixed media 21x30cm

« Imposing your will on others si strength. To impose it on oneself is superior strength. » Lao Tseu, 06092022, canva mixed media 130x70cm

« Imposing your will on others si strength. To impose it on oneself is superior strength. » Lao Tseu, 06092022, canva mixed media 130x70cm