Pierre-Yves en Chine, 2008, numeric 40×60

Other works of art

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181926

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181926

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B73, 082020, numeric

Pierre-Yves by Ori Taubori, B73, 082020, numeric

Spring protection, 22042021, Mixed medias Fabriano 300gr 30x40cm

Spring protection, 22042021, Mixed medias Fabriano 300gr 30x40cm

Parasol series 2018/51

Parasol series 2018/51

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 2, 36x40cm

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 2, 36x40cm

Ejaculation 2019, syringe ink,  70x53cm

Ejaculation 2019, syringe ink, 70x53cm

Performance Hommage a Tree de Paul Mc Carthy

Performance Hommage a Tree de Paul Mc Carthy

Sans-titre-sculpture, 2007 ceramic

Sans-titre-sculpture, 2007 ceramic

Parasol series 2018/53

Parasol series 2018/53

Méditation after dead sea, 02052020 87x68cm

Méditation after dead sea, 02052020 87x68cm

Bird I live, bird I speak, 25022021, photographic paper mixed media 21x30cm

Bird I live, bird I speak, 25022021, photographic paper mixed media 21x30cm

Black serie 4/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Black serie 4/4, mixed media 100x70cm