Other works of art

Memories of water 2020/35

How to describe the unspeakable ? 16022020, ink, photographic paper, 21×29,7cm

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181921

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181927

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 1, 36x40cm

« Virtue is light as a feather that flies in any wind. » Lao Tseu, 02-2019, Chinese ink, one feather, fabriano 46x91cm

Memories of water 2020/37

« Imposing your will on others si strength. To impose it on oneself is superior strength. » Lao Tseu, 06092022, canva mixed media 130x70cm

Holiday’s energy, 08062022, mixed media 40cm

The jets of life 05042022 Fabriano paper 77x55cm