Other works of art

Memories of water 2020/33

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181927

Recycling books editing on paper, canvas or plexiglass 20181926

Black serie 2/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Pierre-Yves S32N°12, 2012, argentic 24x30cm

« The supreme good man is like water », Lao Tseu, canva mixed media 17072022, 25x25cm

New chinese year, and gardening, 11022020, mixed media on plastic, 100x70cm

Méditation after dead sea, 02052020 87x68cm

Memories of water 2020/37

« The wise know that the more he gives to others, the more he has. » Lao Tseu 07052022, ink 70x90cm