Méditation after dead sea, 02052020 87x68cm

Other works of art

Parasol series 2018/55

Parasol series 2018/55

Performance Hommage a Tree de Paul Mc Carthy

Performance Hommage a Tree de Paul Mc Carthy

Black serie 4/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Black serie 4/4, mixed media 100x70cm

Memories of water 2020/33

Memories of water 2020/33

She choose the color , let it be, 06082021, wood mixed media 40x40cm

She choose the color , let it be, 06082021, wood mixed media 40x40cm

Dancing with the wolves, 16022020, ink, photographic paper 21×29,7cm

Dancing with the wolves, 16022020, ink, photographic paper 21×29,7cm

Collection 2009, wooden shelf, black and mixed earthenware, glazed ceramics, screen-printed ceramics

Collection 2009, wooden shelf, black and mixed earthenware, glazed ceramics, screen-printed ceramics

Sans-titre-sculpture, 2007 ceramic

Sans-titre-sculpture, 2007 ceramic

New chinese year, and gardening, 11022020, mixed media on plastic, 100x70cm

New chinese year, and gardening, 11022020, mixed media on plastic, 100x70cm

Recycling books, 20181930, editing in paper, canvas or plexiglass

Recycling books, 20181930, editing in paper, canvas or plexiglass

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 3, 39x30cm

Create with my breath, a serie of happy sunday 3, 39x30cm

Méditation after dead sea, 02052020 87x68cm

Méditation after dead sea, 02052020 87x68cm